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Early Years Admissions and Staffing


Nursery Admissions

We currently offer 60 Nursery places. This is made up of full-time and part time places. Parents and guardians wishing to apply for a  place must complete the Midfield Nursery application form, available from the school  office. It should be submitted directly to the school in accordance with the dates  detailed below. The nursery offers three separate sessions as follows: 

∙ Morning Session: 8.30am-11.30am (flexible drop off time 8.30am-8.45am) ∙ Afternoon Session: 12.30pm-15.30pm (flexible drop of time 12.30pm-12.45pm) ∙ All Day Session 8.30am-15.30pm.  

Admission Groups: 

All children will be eligible for admission to the nursery class in the term  after they turn three years old, although admission will be subject to an  application being made and places being available. The school will consider  applications for the beginning of each academic year in the following order: 

1. Children looked after, or who have an allocated social worker who has provided  written support of the application or children who are the subject of adoption,  residence order, child arrangements order or special guardianship order who were  previously looked after by a Local Authority. 

2. Children who are recommended for a place at that school following an action plan  agreed by a multi-disciplinary group, for example Team around the Child (TAC) or  medical grounds. 

3. Children of staff at Midfield. 

4. Three-year-old children with a brother or sister currently attending the school and  who will be at the school when the child is admitted. 

5. Children who turn three during an academic year (by the 31st of August). If  places are available, pupils will be offered a part time or full time place the term  after their 3rd birthday. 

6. 2 year old children in exceptional circumstances, subject to specific criteria. 


Admission criteria: 

If there are more applications than places within the admissions group  above, Midfield Nursery will adopt the following priorities to decide which  children can be offered a place. 

1. Children looked after, or who have an allocated social worker who has provided  written support of the application or children who are the subject of adoption,  residence order, child arrangements order or special guardianship order who were  previously looked after by a Local Authority. 

2. Children who are recommended for a place at that school following an action plan  agreed by a multi-disciplinary group, for example Team around the Child (TAC) or  medical grounds. 

3. Children of staff at Midfield. 

4. Children who turn three during an academic year (by the 31st August). If places  are available, pupils will be offered a part time or full time place the term after  their 3rd birthday. 

5. 2-year-old subject to specific criteria.

Nursery staffing

For 3 year olds+: 1:8 staffing ratio or 1:13 when there is a qualified teacher


More information can be found on the Butterflies Nursery page of the website.