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Growth Mindset at Midfield

Having been introduced to the concept of growth mindset at Midfield in September 2015, pupils have participated in a range of activities to learn more about it and try to display a growth mindset in school (and at home). Pupils are taught how their brains work and how new connections are formed when we try new things and practise them, over and over. Pupils have learnt about famous and influential people who have succeeded due to having a growth mindset and not giving up on their goal. We have had PSHE lessons and assemblies about growth mindset, but most importantly, teachers and pupils have embraced the language and the way of thinking that promotes using a growth mindset in all lessons.

Some key aspects of Growth Mindset at Midfield

  • We remember it’s always OK to make mistakes – we learn from them
  • We never give up! We try a different approach, or use a different strategy
  • We learn from each other – you guys often make the best teachers!
  • We don’t compare ourselves with others, but we do learn from others
  • We challenge ourselves – which really helps us make progress
  • We take risks – we don’t limit ourselves by taking the easy option
  • We join in as much as possible – and we learn much more by being involved
  • We remember that mastering something new feels so much better than doing something  you can already do
  • We remember that the brain is making new connections all the time – the only thing you  need to know is that you can learn anything!

How parents can help develop a Growth Mindset: