Home Learning
Enjoy sharing your children’s learning with them - every little helps.
Homework is set up as a 'passport' and is uploaded to Google Classroom at the start of a new term. Children are expected to complete the tasks over the term and to upload work to Google Classroom.
Homework through the School
- In Reception, children read and practise sounds and words for homework.
- For children in Years 1 and 2, the main purpose of homework is to develop a partnership with parents, actively involving you in your child’s learning.
- For children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 the main purpose will increasingly become an opportunity to develop the skills of independent learning.
Parents are encouraged to:
- Provide a peaceful place for doing homework
- Make it clear that homework helps children to make progress
- Expect deadlines to be met
- Give praise for completion of homework
All children from Year 1 upwards will be given two maths activities to complete over the term. This will take the form of either times tables or work related to the unit of work they are working on in class.
All children from Year 1 upwards should practise tables for 5 minutes every day please. In Year 3 we look at 3s, 4s and 8s. Children should aim to know all tables up to 12 x 12 by the end of Year 4.
Children in Key Stage 2 will be given two English activities per term and may also include research activities in other subjects.
Throughout the day children will read for a variety of purposes. They will be taught specific reading skills with the teacher and the teacher will also read a variety of quality stories to the children. To support this, we recommend that all children read for at least 15 minutes a day before or after school. School or home books are suitable. Please sign your child’s Reading Record book each time they read.
Each child has a copy of their spelling map sent home. Children may choose which words to practice at home, we recommend practising between 5-8 a week.
We will be teaching spellings explicitly by focusing on spelling rules in class, while children will also work independently and in pairs, in dedicated spellings sessions, to learn their set words.
One homework task is set for each of these subjects which are to be completed over the term, this is presented via a Homework Grid
Teachers will check and keep a record of homework that has been completed. Some marking will take place in class, so please help us to encourage children to complete set tasks.