Learning Outside the Classroom
At Midfield Primary School, Outdoor Learning sessions take place across all Key Stages. Where possible, outdoor learning is incorporated into lessons. Over the course of the year, our Outdoor Learning sessions include Forest School, Eco-Garden and Outdoor Adventure.
Learning outdoors takes place across all subjects including Maths, Literacy, Science, History, Geography and RE (Environment). During planning for all subjects, teachers actively look for opportunities to bring the learning outside - using creative techniques to bring the subject to life using the opportunity that the great outdoors provides. We are very lucky in that we have a wide range of different outdoor environments that we can use so children can have the most appropriate and memorable experiences possible.
These include:
- Large grounds backed by Scadbury Park wood
- Four developed Forest School areas
- Celtic hut and learning area
- A decked wildlife pond (in development)
- Large outdoor grassed area including sports pitches and athletic areas
- Two large playgrounds
- An Edible Eco Garden with an outdoor classroom, which is being developed to include cooking area and working stations
- Outdoor Music Garden
- Three separate Trim trail/Adventure/Climbing play areas
- Swimming Pool