Learning in Year 6
Autumn Term
Spring Term
Meet Alan Turing, the genius code cracker and father of theoretical computer science and artificial intelligence.
Alan grew up in England, where his best friends were numbers and a little boy called Christopher. When his young friend died, Alan retreated to the world of numbers and codes, where he discovered how to crack the code of the Nazi Enigma machine. This moving book features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the brilliant mathematician's life.
Keeping in line with the rest of the school and following the Math Mastery Program of work, the term will start continuing our work on fractions then move on to the deeper thinking linked to the measure and the links between Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. We will particularly focus on reasoning skills - this will help us to be better mathematical thinkers.
We will be kicking things off with history in the first half term with our study of WW2. We will be looking at a variety of historical sources and analysing the reliability of these. I know lots of the children are looking forward to this topic and so are we!
Geography will start after the half term break. Initially, we will be studying the engaging topic of ‘Population and Migration’.
We will be having a look at creating our own websites and blogs. How these are created and used to share information across the globe.
Art & DT
Our termly art is focussed on the technique of printing, we will be looking at the artist Banksy to frame our learning. Banksy is an anonymous English graffiti artist. That means he keeps his identity hidden. He will not do media interviews, he won’t release his real name, and he will not allow photos or copies of his artwork to be made and sold.
The religion we are studying this term is Christianity. We will be studying different beliefs and meanings within the religion of Christianity.
In Science, our topic is Evolution and Inheritence and we will be learning all about Light in Spring 2.