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Meet the PIT Stop Team

Pastoral and Inclusion Team 

 Miss Major - Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion)   

Miss J Major BA (HONS) Childhood Studies, QTS, NASENCO 

Miss Major is thrilled to, alongside Mrs Brooks, be leading the PIT Stop Team. Miss Major has seen the improvements and progress that children make in their academic journeys boosted significantly when they're also supported emotionally. Miss Major believes fully in adopting a holistic approach, identifying needs and implementing and teaching children strategies over time to help them be the best that they can be. Miss Major and Mrs Brooks oversee all children accessing PIT Stop provision and ensures that their progress is monitored over-time so we can see the impact this exceptional provision has on allowing children to achieve their aspirational goals and outcomes.  

 Mrs Brooks - Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion)  


Mrs Brooks, together with Miss Major, leads this highly effective team who consistently deliver high quality interventions to ensure that children are able to not only feel safe and supported in the school environment, but to access and achieve aspirational outcomes in their education.  

Miss Major and Mrs Brooks oversee all children accessing PIT Stop provision and ensure that their progress is monitored over-time so we can see the impact this exceptional provision has on allowing children to achieve their aspirational goals and outcomes.  

 Mrs T Penny - Pastoral Support Officer  & Senior Professional Teaching Partner

Mrs Penny is our Pastoral Support Officer. She is trained in a whole host of therapeutic interventions and emotional support delivery programmes and with support from the Assistant Headteachers for Inclusion, creates a bespoke package to meet the individual needs of children. 

Mrs Penny runs the pastoral and inclusion area within the PIT Stop Classroom which offers structured play at break and lunchtimes for those who require additional support. Furthermore, Mrs Penny delivers PSHE curriculum interventions as well as bespoke therapies such as mindfulness classes, sensory awareness, Talk and Draw interventions, ELSA and social skills groups. Mrs Penny is the main liaison point for external PIT Stop Partners which include Bromley Mentoring; Sports Mentors; Living On Bereavement Support; Bromley Children's Project Early Help Team; Family Support Practioners; Bromley Y and CAMHS. Mrs Penny also leads on our Time2Talk, Time2Be and Time4You (for parents) therapeutic provisions. Mrs Penny is trained in Restorative Justice as well as Zones of Regulation and is a key member of the pastoral team, often being the first point of call for children, staff and families. Mrs Penny is also one of our Early Help practitioners and offers wider support to families who need a little help, support and guidance to overcome the challenges they face. 

 Mrs L Foskett - Teaching Assistant (Inclusion)

 Mrs S Hall - Pupil Support Lead & Attendance Officer  

Mrs Hall joined the PIT Stop Team in 2022 following years working in schools supporting children in a learning support team. Prior to her career in the education sector, Mrs Hall worked for many years in corporate leadership roles and so brings with her to this role a wealth of knowledge and passion. Mrs Hall has a strong focus on supporting children (and their families) with accessing education to support children in achieving the best outcomes. She works closely with the Local Authority Education Welfare Team and is also one of our Early Help Practitioners, supporting children and families overcoming the barriers that life sometimes throws at you, all the time keeping a consistent focus on maintaining high expectations for children's emotional and academic growth.   

Ms L. Heselden - Assistant SENCO

Ms Heselden BA (HONS) Early Childhood Studies

Ms Heselden has worked at Midfield Primary School for many years in both the mainstream school as well as Tree House provision for children with complex needs. She has undertaken many roles, first as a Learning Support Assistant, then as a Professional Teaching Partner, next a Senior PTP but since 2022, she has taken on the role of SENCO Assistant and Stepping Stones Practitioner.  Ms Heselden is trained in and consistently delivers high quality interventions to children with Education Health and Care plans and has expertise in adaptive teaching, utilising resources and visual prompts to create inclusive learning environments. She is a fully qualified Holistic Practitioner with a PDA Diploma. Ms Heselden makes sure that her delivery is bespoke to the individual, truly enabling them to make secure progress whilst maintaining high expectations, irrespective of their starting points.   

Mrs B. Waghorn - Senior Professional Teaching Partner (Inclusion) 

 Miss T Howard - Teaching Assistant (Inclusion)

Miss K Cooney - Teaching Assistant (Inclusion)