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Meet the Team

Outdoor Learning at Midfield is part of everyone's responsibility. The Senior Leadership Team prioritise it as our key learning ethos, our teachers and support staff plan it into our daily lessons and our children bring their enthusiasm and creativity into our outdoor learning sessions.

We place great value on our children's thoughts, ideas and opinions and this is particularly evident in our Pupil Voice groups.

For Outdoor Learning, we work closely with the Outdoor Eco Squad Pupil Voice Group (find out more by clicking on 'Children', 'Pupil Voice' then 'Eco Squad'). Eco Squad reps across all year groups have consulted on all our important developments in outdoor learning, from designing Edible Eco Garden ideas to championing the Forest Evening fundraising and choosing what the money should be spent on.

The Outdoor Learning offer at Midfield school is spearheaded by a small team of passionate staff whose job it is to ensure that ideas are focussed and supported so that what we offer is as innovative and memorable as possible.

  Outdoor Learning  
Mr Le Conte
LOTC Leader
Mr Carter
Outdoor Learning Practitioner

Mrs Wilkinson
Outdoor Learning Practitioner
Forest School Trained. 

Mrs R Waghorn
Outdoor Learning Practitioner
Forest School Trained
Therapeutic Forest School Accredited