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School Trips

We will be having school trips across the year to enrich and support our learning. Some will be very local, so we can walk to them. Others will be slightly further afield, so we will be using public transport or hiring a coach. We will let you know in advance if a trip requires a payment to cover the cost of transport etc. We will also let you know if we need any additional adult helpers.

Please see Class Dojo or the Photo Gallery for photos from our previous school trips.

Term 1 - St Pauls Cray Library 6th and 13th October - share a story

Term 2 - St Barnabus Church Friday 8th December - making Christingles

Posting letters to Santa - Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th November

Term 3 Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th January - Scadbury Park Nature Reserve

Term 4 Wednesday 13th March - Godstone Farm

Term 5 Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th May - Local shops to buy gingerbread man ingredients.

Term 6 - Wednesday 12th June - Scadbury Teddy Bears Picnic

Wednesday 10th July - Danson Park