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Year 4


Year 4 Class teachers

                         Mrs N Cummings (Squirrels)                                     Miss Izzard (Beetles)



Year 4 Professional Teaching Partners

                   Squirrels - Mrs Shilling                                                                          Beetles - Mrs Gotch




Year 4 works very closely as a team to create an exciting broad curriculum. When planning lessons, we use the children’s previous knowledge, experiences and interests to motivate, challenge and engage them. Core texts used in English are carefully considered in order to cover a broad range of literature.

Maths lessons are taught with a mastery approach where children are encouraged to gain a deeper understanding of concepts through the use of practical resources and pictorial representations.

We are very fortunate here at Midfield to have a wonderful outdoor space. We make use of this space by conducting many lessons - from all subject areas - outdoors!